The diamond of India ratan tata

 The diamond of India ratan tata

The Diamond of india Rata

Who is tata

Ratanji navalji tata the Indian Industrialist, philanthropist,investor, big hearted human, an inspiration for all of us.

Under the  ratan  the tata group grow massively. their profit is increase more than 45%. According to data of 2017 tata group contribute 4% of total GDP of india and they pay 47,195 cr. Rupee tax.

Life story

Shri ratan tata born on 28th December 1937. mother and father divorce Sirohi live with her grandmother. After that we he went to USA for higher studies he completed his study from Cornell University Harvard.then they come back to india and get job in tata steel in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.after so much of hard work they would become a chairman of tata group in 1991.

Achievement of them

As we know ratan tata is a great hardworker because of his hard working Tata Group going to another level

The partnership with many companies in worldwide like Tetley,Daewoo commercials, corus group , Jaguar Land Rover etc.

Jaguar land rover story

Jaguar land rover story is very famous because tata  insult. The story start in 1998 when tata group entering the Passenger car market and launch there first pessenger ka TATA Indica which is the biggest failure at a time for Tata Group so the board member requesting to ratan  Tata that they would prefer to sell the Tata Motors show the went to the Ford headquarter in Detroit city but the Ford executive insulting him very badly so they come back to India Research and understand the market of Passenger car and then they were successfully launch the Passenger car after 10 years in 2008 the market crisis gone very bad Ford also suffering from it. So they decided To sold there luxury brand Jaguar and Land Rover here comes ratan tata to buy it they successfully bought Land Rover and Jaguar and also make profitable business from it.

Now we can say that Ratan Tata makes deep result into steep result.

The 26/11 story

Tata group also own the famous hotel chain group taj hotels. In attack of 26/11 in taj hotel mumbai main people who are employee of the Taj lost their life so Ratan Tata comes first in and help their family financially mentally and emotionally. They also take responsibility of of their child study, marriage and provide them Mentalist for recovering that terrifying disaster.

The personal life of tata

Do you know When tata was in USA they fall in love with one girl they dating with her but at that time his grandmother health was not good they only have some days to live show she  call tata and her last wish is meet ratan Tata. So they want to come India with Her girl but the girls parents not allowed her So they come back India.after they were come back her parents decided marry her to another man.she was not  loyal to tata but tata was loyal to her that's why they decided to marry anybody again.

India have so much of respect for ratan Tata

Ratan sir are always do so much of Charity and also he is the most humble and good hearted  that's why  people give them so much rispact for them

I give also example for that

once Narayan KrishnaMurti (former chairman of teach company Infosys which is competitor of Tata's TCS) won award in function and award was given to him by ratan tata. After receiving word from them Narayan Krishnamurthy touch his feet (you can see in video) 

The great ratan tata  have padma bhusan, padma vibhusan,CNN business person of the Year India 2006.

Also recently Dr. Vivek bindra ( motivational speaker and business coach) makes  video on him and start movement called "Bharat Ratna for Ratan Tata"  so people are demanding Bharat ratna and that's why this topic trending  on social media and main media houses covered  this movement. By the way this is the video in Hindi

What's your thought about him comment down below and share with us.

Thank You so much ✌

"If you want to walk fast walk alone But if you want to to walk far then walk to gether.

                                                      ~ ratan tata


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