18 thing learn from Mahabharata

 Do you think that why we don't get 18 facts of Mahabharata because its connection with Mahabharata

Mahabharata has a 18 chepter called "parva"

Mahabharata has 1.8 million(18lakh) word

Bhagavt gita also have 18 chepter 

Mahabharata war are lasted for 18 days

There  are 18 warrior survives after war

That's why we are gonna know about 18 learning from Mahabharata

18 Learning from Mahabharata

1.find friend with knowledge not money

Lord Krishna is with the pandava's and Krishna is expert of 64 arts that's why they  win the war

2.don't be a very emotional

Dhutrashtra very emotionally connected with their sons that's why they not say anything to their sons wrong decisions

3.half knowledge kills you

The abhimanyu know to enter the chakrvyuh but don't know leave that cost his life 

4.never give up

18 Learning from Mahabharata

Guru drona never teach eklavya but he can't give up and he make a idol of gura drona and started practice and become best.

See here another example of in 21st century of never give up 

5.supreme power are always help if you support truth

You believe or not in god  but the supreme power ( god or energy source or any things that you believe) are always with truth

6. Large number create problem

Kauravas are 100 so they all think different and their opinion are also different  that's why they fight and that is bad for future

7.some time   know  everything is curse for us

The youngest pandava sahdev have ability to see the future he know everything about what is gonna wrong with pandavas but he do nothing.that's curse for him its also applicable in real life.

8. You morally right but you support wrong person that's bad with you
18 Learning from Mahabharata
                     Image source

The 'karna' is morally right but he support wrong person that's why he die in war

9.quantity doesn't matter quality matter

Kourava has the bigger army then pandavas but they support wrong that's why they end.

10.unity has always power 

Pandavas has always in unity and that unity build more confidence on them.

11. You fight with your loved one if they wrong

When Your loved one is wrong some time fight happened with them incident happened with all warriors.

12. Your leadership is weak then whole system are collapsed 

If leader are not strong then whole employee are part of distroying there future.

13. One bad habit destroy everything

Dharmaraj yudhisthir have a bad habit of gambling that's become a distroyer for them.

14. Ego makes you blind

Duryodhana have very much ego that he was the Best and only he deserve the seat of king  this ego killed himself.

15 you have mentor or experienced person in your life

Lord Krishna is mentor of pandavas whenever they demotivated he cear the vision of pandavas

16 focus on your work not there result

Today's world everyone are run for money but they can't realize that money is side come form your works.

17. Change is universal law  

In this digital world everyone have to change the thought and work process if you don't do this you can't get success on your filed.

18. You born empty with hand and you leave this mother earth with empty hand

Every story WHO start has ending.everyone not immortal  so do  whatever you want but don't forgot we are gonna leave from this earth

     Thank you so much

The key of happiness is reduce your desire



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