Some unheared facts about india part 2
Some unheard facts about india part 2 If you miss part 1 Then click here Image credit by Darshak12Pandya india is the 7th largest country in the world.( in area) 2nd biggest country in the world (in population) most amazing people leave here.there all religion exists here so here you see unity in diversity. Here the 10 amazing fact s about India 1.who define the light speed ?? India yes,india define the light speed in 7000 year ago in one sloka Besically the "rig veda" have one sloka which difine the speed of light . It says sun light travels 2202 Yojanas in a half Nimesa The modern estimate of the speed of light is 186,281.7 miles per second. 2.india is the only country who have a elephant spa. Its exist in indian state kerala. 3.the most amazing game chess and snake ladder are invented in india 4.shampoo who was invented by I...